About dog anxiety vest
Why dogs need a anxiety shirt ?
Dogs have nature of being around owners so they feel safe. They like to lean close to owners everytime, somehow like a little baby. Seperation with their owners are uneasy for them. They may bark, restlessly walk around, destroy furniture in the house , which could be a huge disaster to you. Also dogs are sensitive to loud noise, quite number of dogs are terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks.
How does dog anxiety shirt work ?
Dr. Temple Grandin and other leading pet behavior scientists studied anxiety clothes and found it effectively calms dogs.
The idea of dog anxiety vest is similar to swaddling an infant, and provides gentle, comforting pressure around a dog's torso.
Base on Dr. Temple Grandin's study, we optimized and lauched these dog anxiety clothes. It could provide continuous gentle pressure. Make dogs felt as being embraced by its owner. So that achieves the effect of keeping dog calm. Calms dog during fireworks, thunder, separation, travelling,crowded places, visitation to the vet. etc.